Monday, February 8, 2010

eLearning Commons
For the elementary Japanese language class, I use eLC only to upload files of huge size. I often have PDF files of manga pages to explain Japanese grammar in class and later I upload the files in eLC so students can download if they like. I just couldn't find a better way to do this. This works well so far.

I was also thinking of using eLC to keep my grade book for quiz, tests, participation, and other assignments. But I have too many quizzes and tests and I take attendance almost everyday. So I figured it is too overwhelming to have every grade record (like the grade of every quiz and test) in a single "grade" page in eLC. I decided to stick to my old way of keeping grade, which is excel spreadsheet file. Near the end of the semester, I will use the eLC grade book feature to show students' current grade. I do this because last semester many students asked me by email about their grade and I had to tell each one every time. It was just so time consuming!

1 comment:

  1. If you start the semester by exporting the grade book form from elc to excel, and then add grades as you go, it will be easier to uplaod it back to elc whenever you want. I would always be sure to keep a back-up copy in case something goes wrong though.
